Custódio Francisco Bambo, Consultant

Custódio is a nutrition and health professional with 22 years experience who already worked in 10 out of the 11 provinces of Mozambique. He is a General Medicine Technician graduated from the Chicumbane Health Training Center in Gaza Province - Mozambique (2000), Certified Specialist in Infant and Childhood Nutrition from the CMR Institute, Virginia - USA (2010), Bachelor in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Honololu - USA (2014) and Master's in Nutrition and Health from the University of Martinville - USA (2017). He has participated in more than 50 short-term courses, with emphasis on Posetive Deviance Hearth - PDHearth (2011), Design for Behavioral Change (2013) and Project Management in Development Programs - PMD PRO (2014) all funded by the World Vision Nutrition Center of Expertise.