Utilising SBC to Develop an Inclusive World – SBC Building Blocks Course
Pillar: Social and Economic Development
Thematic Area: Capacity Building; Disability Inclusion
Services Provided: Creative Development and Content Production
The Context
Disability inclusion is crucial towards UNICEF’s vision of a world fit for every child. As such, UNICEF HQ requested MAGENTA to develop a module on disability inclusion, to be added as part of the SBC Building Blocks Course developed by MAGENTA. In line with the look and feel of the SBC Building Blocks Course, this module consists of a video, several interactive quizzes to test knowledge, and also includes enhanced disability features including voice-over, alternative text, and colour contrast. A wide range of examples and tools were also included at the end of the module to ensure that UNICEF’s SBC programming can create inclusive communities.
What we did
The Disability Inclusion module was designed to provide UNICEF staff and partner agencies with a common understanding of:
What disability is
The barriers to disability inclusion
The impact harmful norms, stigma and discrimination have on children with disabilities and their families
How SBC can be used to tackle the social and cultural barriers that drive these harmful norms
Based on the objectives of this module and the overall Building Blocks Course, MAGENTA partnered with UNICEF to script, design, and develop the module in a participatory and iterative manner.
How we did it
In partnership with UNICEF, MAGENTA developed an interactive module which included dialogue between two characters - Leila and Kamari – who guided the viewer through the entire module.
To start the development process, MAGENTA created an outline of the key topics and content that would be included in the module.
MAGENTA developed a script and storyboard that included examples, mini quizzes, case studies, and tools to further explain concepts and definitions.
The storyboard was integrated with recorded voice over audio into a final e-learning module.
Before publishing the module, MAGENTA integrated UNICEF’s feedback into the module.
The module was launched on AGORA, as part of the SBC Building Blocks Course, and shared with regional and country offices globally
The module on disability inclusion will allow UNICEF and their external partners to better understand and support children with disabilities, to better deliver on behalf of UNICEF’s mandate globally. It will:
Increase the inclusion of children with disabilities in UNICEF’s programming.
Promote positive behaviour change among individuals and communities around children with disabilities.
Promote equal access for children with disabilities to services and systems.
Strengthen UNICEF’s commitment to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).